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Hamhung City (Hamhŭng-si), South Hamgyong Province, DPRK.
Capital of South Hamgyŏng Province, Hamhŭng is the second largest city in North Korea with a population of about 881,000. It is famed as the birthplace of King Taejo, founder of the Joseon dynasty. During the Korean War 90% of the city was destroyed.

Recent city comments:

  • Hungnam (흥남) Harbor, gyenam wrote 7 years ago:
    흥남항 흥남항은 1960년에 무역항으로 개항하여 주변의 화학비료공장, 금속공업공장의 원료와 생산제품의 수송에 주로 이용되고 있다. 흥남항은 2만 톤급 선박의 접안이 가능하며 4개의 부두와 5개의 정박장을 갖고 있다. 연간 하역능력이 400만톤 가량으로 해상무역의 11.5%의 화물을 처리하고 있다. 석탄 부두에는 3톤급 크레인 3대, 일반 화물부두는 10톤급 크레인 8대가 있으며 벌크화물부두에는 시멘트 선적을 위한 10톤 크레인 7개와 8톤 크레인 1대, 6톤 크레인 1대, 곡물하역을 위한 5톤 크레인 3대가 있다. 이외 100톤급 유압식 화차 전복기, 항만기중기, 화물창고, 철도 인입선 등 부대시설을 갖추고 있다. 운송되는 주요 수출화물로는 마그네사이트, 시멘트, 선철, 흑연, 강재, 화학비료, 양곡, 기계부속 등이며 수입화물로는 인회석, 광석, 소금, 코크스 등이 있다.- 통일부
  • Hungnam Port, Death to yankees! (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Your mom's "Chinese army", yankees. These were Chinese Korean and foreign volunteers from other socialist countries and beyond. You hamburger-eating social media-dwelling pricks can only destroy infastructure and install corrupt regimes. Thank God, Koreans and Vietnamese taught you a good lesson.
  • Hamhung University of Medicine, Matthias Schubert (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Hey, what a luck to find the hospital and university department via web! I (Professor Dr. Matthias Schubert -85-) belonged to the team of East German urban planners and architects (1957-1959). My task was to develop a conception and disign for the faculcy of medicine, named "Medizinzentrum Hamhung". Further tasks were spatial location planning of other importand health facilities of the province. I would be happy to meet old and new friends from Hamhung. contact via:
  • Hamhung University of Medicine, Bill Streifer (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I saw a reference to Kanko Medical College in September 1945, and a Prof. Chang who taught there. I wonder if it was the same place, and what Prof.Chang taught. I know his teacher was a German physicist.
  • Hamhung University of Medicine, socialista (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
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